Adventures of Prairie Girl and Code Minkey

Surviving floods, thwarting mosquito invasions, enduring weather extremes all while living in our little house...

Thursday, April 26, 2007

The first decade...

It was 10 years and one day ago that I met Michelle. While some people seem to think that Michelle and I write revisionist histories of our lives I am posting this to confirm the truth of how and when we met. We met at the Bytowne Tavern on April 25, 1997. It was a friday and the Ottawa Senators had just beaten the Buffalo Sabres 4-1 in Game 5 of the first playoff series.

Michelle came over to the table to say hello to Alette Willis (ever a trouble maker) who proptly said "Oh Jason Michelle is from Winnipeg she can answer your questions about Duff's Ditch". My fascination with all things engineering had led my curiosity to the floodway that continually protects the 'Peg from the annual flooding of the Red. My fascination with the the floodway soon gave way to a fascination with Michelle and now we are happily married, living next to the Red River in Winnipeg a full decade later.

Thanks Alette.


At 9:03 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was so sweet, I think I just got a cavity...

Congrats on 10 years.

- Peter

At 12:18 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


I wish you many more decades of happiness together.


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