Happy New Year to Everyone. After a long hiatus and a mild revamp this academic odd-couple is back online. (From Prairie Girl: Jason's odd…I'm unique). Rather than overwhelm with stories of our downtime we will recount our tales from 2006 in a series of short entries over the next while. Of course our planned break was to be a month long in July that has since turned into a half a year so it may take a while to cover our rather eventful grieving period.
From Prairie Girl: I found that every time I would go to the blog, I would see Moe's sweet face and get all weepy. So, I am writing this in Word and will be sending it to Jason to post. I have already planned a number of entries so count on at least weekly tales.
From Code Minkey: Grieving continues, but I blame my absence from blogging on lots of work and procrastination. Between us we continued home renovations, bought power tools, gardened, visited Sweden, injured legs, taught engineers and med students, applied for grants, and wrote papers, drove the Prairies, read lots and I managed some programming.
The New Year looks exciting and we hope everyone enjoys work, fun, friends and family.
Good to have you back!
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